Getting started
To simplify integrations, I created a CLI application which contains the heavy part of Project-Env, which is the setup and configuration of tools defined in a Project-Env configuration file. The returned tools info can then be used by an integration to configure them in the corresponding environment.
Set up config file
To get started with Project-Env in a project, you first need to set up the Project-Env config file. Since the configuration options are strongly linked to the used CLI application version, the options are documented at the same location as the one for the CLI.
Set up CLI application
If you want to use Project-Env on your local development machine, you need to download the CLI application and make it available through the PATH
variable (there exist some automatic installation options too). Integrations like the one for Github Actions or the Jenkins Pipeline plugin will set up the CLI automatically.
Set up integrations
Choose one or more integrations and set them up according to the corresponding documentation.